Functions in Hive are categorized as below.
- Numeric and Mathematical Functions: These functions mainly used to perform mathematical calculations.
- Date Functions: These functions are used to perform operations on date data types like adding the number of days to the date etc.
- String Functions: These functions are used to perform operations on strings like finding the length of a string etc.
- Conditional Functions: These functions are used to test conditions and returns a value based on whether the test condition is true or false.
- Collection Functions: These functions are used to find the size of the complex types like array and map. The only collection function is SIZE. The SIZE function is used to find the number of elements in an array and map. The syntax of SIZE function is
- Type Conversion Function: This function is used to convert from one data type to another. The only type conversion function is CAST. The syntax of CAST is
The CAST function converts the expr into the specified type.
- Table Generating Functions: These functions transform a single row into multiple rows. EXPLODE is the only table generated function. This function takes array as an input and outputs the elements of array into separate rows. The syntax of EXPLODE is
Numeric and Mathematical Functions:
The Numerical functions are listed below in alphabetical order. Use these functions in SQL queries.
ABS( double n )
The ABS function returns the absolute value of a number.
Example: ABS(-100)
ACOS( double n )
The ACOS function returns the arc cosine of value n. This function returns Null if the value n is not in the range of -1<=n<=1.
Example: ACOS(0.5)
ASIN( double n )
The ASIN function returns the arc sin of value n. This function returns Null if the value n is not in the range of -1<=n<=1.
Example: ASIN(0.5)
BIN( bigint n )
The BIN function returns the number n in the binary format.
Example: BIN(100)
CEIL( double n ), CEILING( double n )
The CEILING or CEILING function returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the decimal value n.
Example: CEIL(9.5)
CONV( bigint n, int from_base, int to_base )
The CONV function converts the given number n from one base to another base.
Example: CONV(100, 10,2)
COS( double n )
The COS function returns the cosine of the value n. Here n should be specified in radians.
Example: COS(180*3.1415926/180)
EXP( double n )
The EXP function returns e to the power of n. Where e is the base of natural logarithm and its value is 2.718.
Example: EXP(50)
FLOOR( double n )
The FLOOR function returns the largest integer less than or equal to the given value n.
Example: FLOOR(10.9)
HEX( bigint n)
This function converts the value n into hexadecimal format.
Example: HEX(16)
HEX( string n )
This function converts each character into hex representation format.
Example: HEX(‘ABC’)
LN( double n )
The LN function returns the natural log of a number.
Example: LN(123.45)
LOG( double base, double n )
The LOG function returns the base logarithm of the number n.
Example: LOG(3, 66)
LOG2( double n )
The LOG2 function returns the base-2 logarithm of the number n.
Example: LOG2(44)
LOG10( double n )
The LOG10 function returns the base-10 logarithm of the number n.
Example: LOG10(100)
NEGATIVE( int n ), NEGATIVE( double n )
The NEGATIVE function returns –n
Example: NEGATIVE(10)
PMOD( int m, int n ), PMOD( double m, double n )
The PMOD function returns the positive modulus of a number.
Example: PMOD(3,2)
POSITIVE( int n ), POSITIVE( double n )
The POSITIVE function returns n
Example: POSITIVE(-10)
POW( double m, double n ), POWER( double m, double n )
The POW or POWER function returns m value raised to the n power.
Example: POW(10,2)
RAND( [int seed] )
The RAND function returns a random number. If you specify the seed value, the generated random number will become deterministic.
Example: RAND( )
ROUND( double value [, int n] )
The ROUND function returns the value rounded to n integer places.
Example: ROUND(123.456,2)
SIN( double n )
The SIN function returns the sin of a number. Here n should be specified in radians.
Example: SIN(2)
SQRT( double n )
The SQRT function returns the square root of the number
Example: SQRT(4)
UNHEX( string n )
The UNHEX function is the inverse of HEX function. It converts the specified string to the number format.
Example: UNHEX(‘AB’)
Returns the number in binary format
Returns the positive value of a mod b
Returns the sine of a (a is in radians)
Returns the tangent of a (a is in radians)
Returns the arctangent of a
Converts value of a from radians to degrees
Converts value of a from degrees to radians
Returns the sign of a as '1.0' (if a is positive) or '-1.0' (if a is negative), '0.0' otherwise
Returns the value of e
Returns the value of pi
Date Functions:
Note: Date data types do not exist in Hive. In fact the dates are treated as strings in Hive. The date functions are listed below.
This function returns the number of seconds from the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) using the default time zone.
UNIX_TIMESTAMP( string date )
This function converts the date in format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' into Unix timestamp. This will return the number of seconds between the specified date and the Unix epoch. If it fails, then it returns 0.
Example: UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2000-01-01 00:00:00') returns 946713600
UNIX_TIMESTAMP( string date, string pattern )
This function converts the date to the specified date format and returns the number of seconds between the specified date and Unix epoch. If it fails, then it returns 0.
Example: UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2000-01-01 10:20:30','yyyy-MM-dd') returns 946713600
FROM_UNIXTIME( bigint number_of_seconds [, string format] )
The FROM_UNIX function converts the specified number of seconds from Unix epoch and returns the date in the format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'.
Example: FROM_UNIXTIME( UNIX_TIMESTAMP() ) returns the current date including the time. This is equivalent to the SYSDATE in oracle.
TO_DATE( string timestamp )
The TO_DATE function returns the date part of the timestamp in the format 'yyyy-MM-dd'.
Example: TO_DATE('2000-01-01 10:20:30') returns '2000-01-01'
YEAR( string date )
The YEAR function returns the year part of the date.
Example: YEAR('2000-01-01 10:20:30') returns 2000
MONTH( string date )
The MONTH function returns the month part of the date.
Example: YEAR('2000-03-01 10:20:30') returns 3
DAY( string date ), DAYOFMONTH( date )
The DAY or DAYOFMONTH function returns the day part of the date.
Example: DAY('2000-03-01 10:20:30') returns 1
HOUR( string date )
The HOUR function returns the hour part of the date.
Example: HOUR('2000-03-01 10:20:30') returns 10
MINUTE( string date )
The MINUTE function returns the minute part of the timestamp.
Example: MINUTE('2000-03-01 10:20:30') returns 20
SECOND( string date )
The SECOND function returns the second part of the timestamp.
Example: SECOND('2000-03-01 10:20:30') returns 30
WEEKOFYEAR( string date )
The WEEKOFYEAR function returns the week number of the date.
Example: WEEKOFYEAR('2000-03-01 10:20:30') returns 9
DATEDIFF( string date1, string date2 )
The DATEDIFF function returns the number of days between the two given dates.
Example: DATEDIFF('2000-03-01', '2000-01-10') returns 51
DATE_ADD( string date, int days )
The DATE_ADD function adds the number of days to the specified date
Example: DATE_ADD('2000-03-01', 5) returns '2000-03-06'
DATE_SUB( string date, int days )
The DATE_SUB function subtracts the number of days to the specified date
Example: DATE_SUB('2000-03-01', 5) returns ‘2000-02-25’
String Functions:
The string functions in Hive are listed below:
ASCII( string str )
The ASCII function converts the first character of the string into its numeric ascii value.
Example1: ASCII('hadoop') returns 104
Example2: ASCII('A') returns 65
CONCAT( string str1, string str2... )
The CONCAT function concatenates all the stings.
Example: CONCAT('hadoop','-','hive') returns 'hadoop-hive'
CONCAT_WS( string delimiter, string str1, string str2... )
The CONCAT_WS function is similar to the CONCAT function. Here you can also provide the delimiter, which can be used in between the strings to concat.
Example: CONCAT_WS('-','hadoop','hive') returns 'hadoop-hive'
FIND_IN_SET( string search_string, string source_string_list )
The FIND_IN_SET function searches for the search string in the source_string_list and returns the position of the first occurrence in the source string list. Here the source string list should be comma delimited one. It returns 0 if the first argument contains comma.
Example: FIND_IN_SET('ha','hao,mn,hc,ha,hef') returns 4
LENGTH( string str )
The LENGTH function returns the number of characters in a string.
Example: LENGTH('hive') returns 4
LOWER( string str ), LCASE( string str )
The LOWER or LCASE function converts the string into lower case letters.
Example: LOWER('HiVe') returns 'hive'
LPAD( string str, int len, string pad )
The LPAD function returns the string with a length of len characters left-padded with pad.
Example: LPAD('hive',6,'v') returns 'vvhive'
LTRIM( string str )
The LTRIM function removes all the trailing spaces from the string.
Example: LTRIM(' hive') returns 'hive'
REPEAT( string str, int n )
The REPEAT function repeats the specified string n times.
Example: REPEAT('hive',2) returns 'hivehive'
RPAD( string str, int len, string pad )
The RPAD function returns the string with a length of len characters right-padded with pad.
Example: RPAD('hive',6,'v') returns 'hivevv'
REVERSE( string str )
The REVERSE function gives the reversed string
Example: REVERSE('hive') returns 'evih'
RTRIM( string str )
The RTRIM function removes all the leading spaces from the string.
Example: LTRIM('hive ') returns 'hive'
SPACE( int number_of_spaces )
The SPACE function returns the specified number of spaces.
Example: SPACE(4) returns ' '
SPLIT( string str, string pat )
The SPLIT function splits the string around the pattern pat and returns an array of strings. You can specify regular expressions as patterns.
Example: SPLIT('hive:hadoop',':') returns ["hive","hadoop"]
SUBSTR( string source_str, int start_position [,int length] ), SUBSTRING( string source_str, int start_position [,int length] )
The SUBSTR or SUBSTRING function returns a part of the source string from the start position with the specified length of characters. If the length is not given, then it returns from the start position to the end of the string.
Example1: SUBSTR('hadoop',4) returns 'oop'
Example2: SUBSTR('hadoop',4,2) returns 'oo'
TRIM( string str )
The TRIM function removes both the trailing and leading spaces from the string.
Example: LTRIM(' hive ') returns 'hive'
UPPER( string str ), UCASE( string str )
The UPPER or LCASE function converts the string into upper case letters.
Example: UPPER('HiVe') returns 'HIVE'
Conditional Functions:
Hive supports three types of conditional functions. These functions are listed below:
IF( Test Condition, True Value, False Value )
The IF condition evaluates the “Test Condition” and if the “Test Condition” is true, then it returns the “True Value”. Otherwise, it returns the False Value.
Example: IF(1=1, 'working', 'not working') returns 'working'
COALESCE( value1,value2,... )
The COALESCE function returns the fist not NULL value from the list of values. If all the values in the list are NULL, then it returns NULL.
Example: COALESCE(NULL,NULL,5,NULL,4) returns 5
CASE Statement
The syntax for the case statement is:
CASE [ expression ]
WHEN condition1 THEN result1
WHEN condition2 THEN result2
WHEN conditionn THEN resultn
ELSE result
Here expression is optional. It is the value that you are comparing to the list of conditions. (ie: condition1, condition2, ... conditionn).
All the conditions must be of same datatype. Conditions are evaluated in the order listed. Once a condition is found to be true, the case statement will return the result and not evaluate the conditions any further.
All the results must be of same datatype. This is the value returned once a condition is found to be true.
IF no condition is found to be true, then the case statement will return the value in the ELSE clause. If the ELSE clause is omitted and no condition is found to be true, then the case statement will return NULL
CASE Fruit
WHEN 'APPLE' THEN 'The owner is APPLE'
ELSE 'It is another Fruit'
The other form of CASE is
WHEN Fruit = 'APPLE' THEN 'The owner is APPLE'
WHEN Fruit = 'ORANGE' THEN 'The owner is ORANGE'
ELSE 'It is another Fruit'
Collection Functions:
The following built-in collection functions are supported in hive:
Returns the number of elements in the map type
Returns the number of elements in the array type
Returns an unordered array containing the keys of the input map
Returns an unordered array containing the values of the input map
array_contains(Array<T>, value)
Returns TRUE if the array contains value
Sorts the input array in ascending order according to the natural ordering of the array elements and returns it (as of version 0.9.0)
Type Conversion Function:
The following type conversion functions are supported in hive:
Casts the parameter into a binary
cast(expr as <type>)
Converts the results of the expression expr to <type> e.g. cast('1' as BIGINT) will convert the string '1' to it integral representation. A null is returned if the conversion does not succeed.
Table Generating Functions:
Normal user-defined functions, such as concat(), take in a single input row and output a single output row. In contrast, table-generating functions transform a single input row to multiple output rows.
Returns one row for each element from the array
Returns one row for each key-value pair from the input map with two columns in each row: one for the key and another for the value. (as of Hive 0.8.0)
Explodes an array of structs into a table (as of Hive 0.10)
explode(array<TYPE> a)
For each element in a, explode() generates a row containing that element
json_tuple(jsonStr, k1, k2, ...)
It takes a set of names (keys) and a JSON string, and returns a tuple of values. This is a more efficient version of the get_json_object UDF because it can get multiple keys with just one call
parse_url_tuple(url, p1, p2, ...)
This is similar to the parse_url() UDF but can extract multiple parts at once out of a URL. Valid part names are: HOST, PATH, QUERY, REF, PROTOCOL, AUTHORITY, FILE, USERINFO, QUERY:<KEY>.
Behaves like explode for arrays, but includes the position of items in the original array by returning a tuple of (pos, value) (as of Hive 0.13.0)
stack(INT n, v_1, v_2, ..., v_k)
Breaks up v_1, ..., v_k into n rows. Each row will have k/n columns. n must be constant.